How to Get Motivated to Do Homework: 13 Tips and Tricks:

  1. Choose your perfect schedule
  2. Organize your workplace
  3. Collaborate with groupmates
  4. Find a mentor
  5. Set a goal
  6. Apply for a scholarship
  7. Ask parents for help
  8. Take regular breaks
  9. Listen to Student TED Talks
  10. Eat healthy products
  11. Find a hobby you love
  12. Reward yourself
  13. Draw inspiration from social media

College life is the best period in personal life when most people obtain vital skills, acquire knowledge, decide on a career path, meet new friends, or even find a soulmate. Students spend a considerable amount of time in college: attend lectures, learn subjects, write an academic paper, work on projects, etc. Moreover, students have to work on out-of-class activities and teachers assign too much homework which has negative effects. Today, spending an hour isn’t enough to complete homework assignments, so most children are pressed for time to spend it with friends and family. They can’t keep a study-life balance, so many students lack the motivation to do their homework. All in all, it seems to be a closed circle: Procrastinating on assignments, they have to spend a lot of time to get ready for homework and do it on a good level.

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No matter which subjects you choose, working on homework can take up to 17.5 hours a week, so you need to know how to be motivated to study. Why? It takes time and effort to achieve your academic goals. And if you want to enjoy your college life without sacrificing your grades and future career, it’s important to finish your tasks fast, so you should find your motivation to study well.

Why Motivation is Important for Student Success?

From time to time, even an A+ student may have a question on how to do homework. When we don’t understand the task or don’t know how to do research, we often procrastinate on completing assignments. As a result, it can take a lot of time unless you are motivated to do homework.

Motivation is the impulse that helps people complete any task and achieve goals, so it plays a key role in learning. It drives the process, so students spend less time working on their tasks and therefore they can keep a balance which means being happy. When you’re motivated for doing homework, you get the following advantages:

  • Save time on learning out-of-class
  • Understand the subject better
  • Obtain knowledge faster

All in all, being motivated to do homework is a proven way to achieve academic success. To learn the material well without spending much time, every college student should know what motivates him or her to complete homework assignments.

A simple question occurs: What should you do to get motivated for education?

If you’re looking for actionable tips on how to find your motivation, we’ve prepared the complete list of 13 tips and tricks that can help all students, teachers, and parents to find motivation for study.

How to Get Motivated to Do Homework with 13 Tips and Tricks

If you wonder how to do homework fast without sacrificing its quality, you need to find the motivation for studying. Here’s our list of 13 tips and tricks on homework motivation.


Choose your perfect schedule

No matter how good and responsible as a student you are, it’s more likely you don’t want to spend many days on your assignments after college or university. To complete your tasks on time without procrastinating, you need to find a homework schedule that works best for you. Whether you need to write an academic paper, read books, or work on your coursework, it’s important to plan your homework and stay organized. Obviously, every student is an individual person and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing a perfect study schedule.

Organize your workplace

To stay motivated for doing your homework, you should stay focused. The fewer distractions you have, the faster you complete your assignments. Thus, it’s important to know how to organize your workplace with ease. First of all, you need to find a comfortable table, chair, and lamp. Secondly, keeping your workplace decluttered is a must, so you need to have several bookshelves and drawers where you can put your work stuff. With love for books, you can organize a cozy place where you can read or revise materials. It’s you who knows which workplace organization motivates you, so don’t miss a chance to make the homework routine better.

Collaborate with groupmates

Teamwork is an important element of the education process. Since all people have different skills and passions, working together with your groupmates can be a good way to understand the subject better, improve skills, or do your homework. For example, you may be good at Math while your groupmate knows how to write an academic paper well. When students share their skills and explain educational material to each other, it’s easier for them to obtain knowledge and therefore get a better grade. The main idea is to listen to other groupmates who know something better in exchange for sharing your knowledge, tips, and tricks.

Find a mentor

During the college years, students have a question about personal, social, and academic issues. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right way to achieve your goals, so finding a mentor can be a good opportunity to improve your college experience and get advice on your career opportunities. Mentoring can be beneficial for students who seek motivation as mentors are experienced people who can share their knowledge and skills which helps to assist students. When it comes to being motivated to do homework, your mentor can explain the task or hint at how to do it on a high level. In other words, you’re never alone with your problem if you have a mentor.

Set a goal

Homework can feel like a chore unless you set achievable academic goals that motivate you to study hard. Whether you want to become an A+ student, get a scholarship, or simply go out with your friends, it’s important to find what motivates you to do your homework task fast without sacrificing the quality. According to psychologists, goal setting gives you focus, helps to measure success, keeps you undistracted, and helps to overcome procrastination. In other words, having a goal gives you motivation. After all, nobody wants to spend college days on homework.

Apply for a scholarship

Being a student often means spending time with friends, having parties, taking care of your outfit, etc. All these things mean having an extra budget. However, education takes a lot of time, so it’s difficult for most students to do a part-time job. As a result, many young people are pressed for money. Although it’s a common problem for the youth, there’s one proven solution that can help you get money without working after classes. Want to know how to get motivated to do homework? Apply for a scholarship! Most colleges and universities are interested in talented and skilled students, so they are ready to pay a scholarship if you study well. When it comes to doing your homework, think about applying for a scholarship as it can motivate you for studies.

Ask parents for help

For most students, a lack of understanding and poor organization skills are primary reasons why they can’t stay focused on doing their homework. When students don’t know how to do their assignments, procrastination occurs. Thus, asking parents for help can be a good solution as they can give tips on how to get motivated to do homework: They establish a homework space, provide guidance, and share their knowledge and tips. There’s no better way for students to get direction and encouragement than asking their parents for help.

Take regular breaks

Nowadays teachers assign too much homework, so students have to spend a lot of time doing their assignments out-of-class: they read materials, write essays, work on projects, etc. Since most students want to get good grades, they study hard and therefore they spend a considerable amount of time on homework assignments. As a result, children can’t keep a study-life balance, so they are prone to burnout, stress, and headaches. These factors negatively affect their academic performance and make them procrastinate on doing homework. All in all, it seems to be a closed circle. Believe it or not, having regular breaks is a proven way to stay focused, organized, and motivated. Most scientists claim that having a 10-minutes break every hour is a proven way to maximize your performance.

Listen to Student TED Talks

If you want to know how to get motivated to do homework, pay attention to TedEd, a global network of over 250,000 teachers who support learning and provide students all over the world with actionable tips and tricks on the educational process. The idea of Ted Talks isn’t new: The network has gained in popularity over the last few years. Students of all ages listen to these materials to get inspired and motivated, so it may help every learner who needs assistance in doing homework.

Eat healthy products

It’s no secret that academic performance depends on mental and physical health. If students are healthy, their brains work better which means they need less time and effort to finish an assignment. Thus, it’s important to eat healthy products that boost brainpower. To make the most out of your snacks, find products that give you energy and motivation – fresh fruits, nuts, dark chocolate, etc.

Find a hobby you love

Every person is an individual creature who has his or her passions and preferences. Most people have favorite hobbies that encourage them to do assignments faster. When you have a hobby you love, you’re ready to spend up to 7 days a week on it. But if you’re a responsible student, you know the importance of studying hard, so you can’t afford to pursue your hobbies unless your homework preparation is finished. Find a hobby you love and you will find the motivation to do your assignments on a high level fast.

Reward yourself

If you want to achieve academic success, it’s more likely you put so much pressure on yourself. Although it helps to succeed, it’s also important to remember to reward yourself after accomplishment to stay healthy and motivated. No matter how you want to reward yourself, whether you want to get an additional day off, visit an exhibition, or buy a new gadget, it’s important to find something that motivates you to dive into the educational process without tears.

Draw inspiration from social media

Today, an average social media user spends 153 minutes a day online. From reading the news to communicating with friends and family, there are many reasons why social media platforms are gaining in popularity. What is more, modern students create groups where they share their thoughts and ideas on how to make the learning process easier. In other words, social networks are a great way to communicate with other learners, get actionable tips and tricks, and be inspired for the educational process. Thus, it’s important to join social media groups that motivate you.

The Sum Up

It’s no secret that the educational process takes time and effort, so it can be challenging from time to time. Children of all ages need the motivation to achieve academic success. Why? When you get motivation, there’s no need to spend many days on homework, so you can keep a balance in your life to enjoy college years for full. If you’re looking for tips on motivation, pay attention to the above-mentioned tricks that can fit your needs and wants.

So, what is your favorite tip to get motivated for homework without spending many days on it?